My friend Diana K. commissioned a painting of her "Admiral Bird", a Cochin Rooster.
Diana had seen some of my chicken paintings from earlier in the spring. She told me how the Admiral had protected her free-range chickens against the fox on several occasions.
When I first saw the Rooster, he had no tail at all, having lost it in his latest encounter with the fox.
I live in Up-State NY, in fox hunt country, mostly an equestrian event, chasing fox and coyote on horse back. There is a lively market for sporting art on this subject including many fox paintings.
I liked the idea of presenting the fox in a different role, but one that it is really known for. The fox in the hen house, the bane of the farmer!
The interaction between any two individuals, be it animals or humans has always fascinated me. You can use the distance between glaces as a real compositional element.
When I finished the painting, I thought it would be most enjoyable to present the painting to Diana at my studio, and invited some of my friends.
My studio is not a public place or an art gallery. I really had to think about who I would invite and decided that I could only have friends who have been to my home or people that already owned some of my works. They are the only people I could feel comfortable showing those unfinished or unbaked works that live and linger around the studio.
Sharing the finished Admiral Bird, before it went to live on Diana's wall made for a great day.
My wife Holly put out a most beautiful spread of wine and cheese.