Today is cold , but sunny in the upstate NY house. Already the light is fading. I like the winter landscapes better than autumn. Winter trees show their gesture enhanced by long shadows.
The deer have decimated my shrubs. There was an ice storm over a week ago and then more snow and it is impossible for the deer to break through the ice to get anything to eat so they are desperate. I should have been more vigilant about netting and fencing
Still, I love the activity, the layers of tracks.
The turkeys were at the feeders again today. Usually a Tom and three hens, but today there were 8 and sometimes as many as 40. I spent some time watching the feeders today hoping to see the Cooper's hawk come in to take a song bird. I have seen that once. It comes in fast and is gone in less then 20 seconds.
I will include these thoughts and observations as a way of explaining how I think and what excites me.
Painting can be several things. It can be an illustration. It can be an illustration of your life. mixing the actual with the imagined.
A painting can also be it's own entity. An act of creation that draws from an experience, but exists independently, even from the artist that created it.