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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow Day

My last post was titled "Rhetoric" and I was all prepared to go into a political rant. I spared you and mellowed as the evening wore on. Maybe it was the cold and snow and being shut in that got my mind going. I finally arrived at the positive in all of it.
Maybe we are at the beginnings of a dialog about how we are casually glorifying violence. Maybe? Thank goodness we have clueless politicians and celebraties that say stupid stuff often enough for us to see both the power and meanness of our words. 

I really did have a great couple of days at the easel. My crows have been sitting on this branch since we bought the house 4 1/2 years ago. It isn't that I particularly love crows, actually they are loud, and ruckus, and bully other creatures and you just can't say "cute crow", but I have become more fascinated with them, as I have paid attention.
What I do love is that negative shape! That black hole in the universe, that moves!
In these two paintings, it is the crows that helped me to see the winter sky, (often described as colorless). It has the most interesting play of gray, yellow and pink.  In that light, are my childhood memories, of sledding till dark, so hungry and cold, but not wanting to stop and go in the house, because it would all be over.
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